Who is CoMacPro.net?
COMACPRO is a leading company in providing a comprehensive platform for customers to purchase heavy construction equipment, including excavators, cranes, and many other types of machinery and equipment.
Always seeking innovation, committed to creating a trusted e-commerce platform for everyone.
Enabling commerce, allowing businesses to focus on their core strengths in the construction equipment business. Your success is our success.

Why COMACPRO was born?
Brand positioning
The leading platform dedicated to heavy industrial machinery and equipment.
Brand personality
Reliable, dedicated and always innovative.
Construction machinery and equipment help optimize labor efficiency, cut costs and improve construction quality. However, high prices and poor quality due to lack of information make it difficult for businesses to find suitable equipment. COMACPRO is the first e-commerce platform for construction machinery and equipment, connecting Technology – People – Machinery in the construction industry.
We build transparent, accessible, high-quality transaction models, optimizing time, processes and costs with clear commitments, connecting technology, people and machinery. Founded by a young and enthusiastic team, this platform was born with the aim of overcoming the challenges of limited access to multi-dimensional information and difficulties in conducting transactions in the construction equipment market.